EOC Testing: English I & English II

Apr 3, 2019

The English I and English II End of Course (EOC) Exams will take place on Tuesday, April 9 , 2019 and Thursday, April 11, 2019 with makeup testing on Friday, April 12, 2019.

Each exam is 5 hours in length and will be administered as an online exam, unless students receive pre-approved accommodations indicating a different exam form. The English I EOC will be administered to all 9th Grade students and the English II EOC will be administered to all 10th Grade students. Students who are retaking either exam, will be given the opportunity to take the exam during this administration. If you have questions about your student’s testing status, please contact the RRHS Campus Testing Coordinator, Tina Moreland at christine_moreland@roundrockisd.org.

Timeframe & Attendance

The anticipated testing window for each English EOC is 9:30AM-3:00PM, to include a 30-minute lunch break. Students are expected to bring their fully charged chromebook and headphones or earbuds: however, a limited number of computer/headphones will be available if the need arises.

On the morning of the exam, testing students are encouraged to arrive by 8:55 AM and report directly to their assigned testing classroom. Student testing classroom assignments will be posted in the following campus locations, 1200 Cafeteria/ 1200 Foyer/ 100 Student Center by Friday, April 5, 2019. Attendance will be taken by their assigned testing proctor.

All students participating in English EOC testing will remain in their assigned testing classroom until testing is complete and exam documents have been submitted to the Campus Testing Coordinator–with the exception of students who receive extended testing time accommodations.

Pre-arranged pick-up will not be available on Tuesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 11th. If you are planning on checking-out your student on either day, please make arrangements for a delay.

Snacks & Lunch

Students will not be provided with a snack and water during testing. Students are allowed to bring their own “non-messy” snacks and water. (No nuts, and no Flaming Hot Cheetos, please!)

Testing students will be given a 30-minute lunch break during the exam. During the lunch break, students will remain in their assigned testing classroom and participate in a silent lunch. The 5-hour testing time will be paused and testing materials will be secured by the proctor. Students will have lunch and resume testing after the lunch break has concluded. Students will have the option to purchase a set lunch from the RRHS Cafeteria or bring a lunch from home.

  • Purchasing a lunch from the RRHS Cafeteria: Students will be given the opportunity to pre-order a lunch from the cafeteria on Thursday, 4-4-19 and Friday, 4-5-19 during their English Classes. The lunch will include a sandwich (turkey/vegetarian), apple, vegetable, and choice of milk. Substitutions will only be made for students with allergies and are to be noted when students pre-order their lunch. The lunch will cost $2.95 and will be taken directly from the students lunch account, unless your student receives free or reduced lunch rates.

  • Bringing a lunch from home: If a student chooses to bring their own lunch, please consider the following: microwaves and refrigerators will not be available for students and all testing classrooms will be a Nut-Free Zone. Please do not pack items that contain nuts as we have students with nut allergies.

If you have any questions about pre-ordering lunches–please contact the Testing Assistant Principal, Lauren Winship at 512-464-6022.

Non-testing Students

If your student is not participating in EOC Testing on April 9th and/or April 11th, they will follow their regular bell schedule; however, classrooms in the 1300, 2200, 2300 and 2400 wings will be relocated. Teachers will share the relocated classrooms with students and the relocation lists will be posted throughout the campus on testing days.

Student lunches will be determined according to the relocated classroom.  All students with an academic class during 3rd period will attend either A, B or C lunch and students with Athletics during 3rd period will attend D-Lunch.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Lauren Winship (Assistant Principal)  at 512-464-6022 or Tina Moreland (Campus Testing Coordinator) christine_moreland@roundrockisd.org.