Additional Appointments Slots for Yearbook Photos

Almost 700 students will be photographed tomorrow. Unfortunately, we are limited by space and district guidelines on how many people we could have on campus tomorrow. If you have one of those spots, you can make the process go faster by having your child bring their student ID. If they don’t have their ID, don’t panic. We can still get them in the system. It will just move a little faster if they bring their school ID.

Please park on the south side of the building and have your student enter the doors nearest the gyms. They will circle through the gym and come out still on the south side of the building, but farther down the bus loop area. All students must wear masks when they enter the building. They will take them off briefly to have their photo snapped.

If you did not get a spot for tomorrow, we will photograph again on January 20. We hope this will be a more traditional photo experience, but we will have spots for students who are remaining virtual.

Students who are coming back to campus full time next week will be photographed through their pods on November 6. That schedule hasn’t been made yet because there are always a lot of adjustments in the early days of a new phase.

I know this has been a confusing and stressful time. Please know that we are doing our absolute best to get every student photographed. We are limited by the circumstance and the availability of the photo company.