Our amazing 4th Central Texas Teen & Kids Comic Con will be occurring at RRHS on Saturday, February 18th. This is an awesome FREE literacy event for the whole family and we are really excited about it. Participants can attend author panels, drawing & animation workshops, the gaming hall, Jedi training academy, shop the vendor booths, and tackle the obstacle course.
We really hope you will bring your families and encourage your students to attend. If you have K-8 children, and they would be interested in the Jedi Academy or the Pint-Sized P.I. Fingerprinting Workshop, please be sure to reserve a spot for them on the website (click here). Also, please be sure to reserve your free tickets to expedite check-in. 

We could use help spreading the word to students and their families (grades K-12). We will also be looking for adult volunteers from 8:00-3:30. People can volunteer for an hour and then enjoy the festivities for the rest of the day. I will send out the volunteer sign-up very soon.
Tickets and additional information about this amazing FREE literacy event are available on the event website (CTXkidsCC.org). There will be posters for your classroom in the workroom later this week…feel free to grab one before they are all gone!
Here is a video from the 2019 con, if you want to see what it’s all about.