Thespian Success
November 21-23rd, 36 RRHS theatre students attended the Texas International Thespian State Conference. Students auditioned in 6 Individual event categories. Four events (27 students) qualified for the National level, receiving superior ratings from all three judges.
- Kaylee Allen
- Abigail Bensman
- Erin Cummings
- Peyton Daniels
- Brianna Fruge
- Marian Hatch
- Olivia Houston
- Caitlin Jones
- Zairis Padilla
- Zoe Pena
- Grace Sheidow
- Sophia Sitran
- Sydney Swain
- Emma Thomas
- Emily Thompson
- Sam Davis
- Jarrett Grier
- Zach Herbrandson
- Andrew Hubbard
- Austin Jennings
- Hayden Mays
- Zach Moser
- Ryan Pascarella
- Trenton Pepper
- Joshua Simon
- Ben Sokoff
- Connor Yesh
Please congratulate these Dragons on their work!