TAFE Success!
This past Saturday our chapter of the Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE) competed in our Region 13 conference. These students did a tremendous job competing in a virtual setting for the first time and during this heightened time of additional stress....
Boys Cross Country Success!
Boys RRXC Team moving on to State! The Round Rock Boys Cross Country Team earned advancement to State by racing to 2nd place overall at the 2020 UIL Region IV Cross Country Championship held at Texas A&M Corpus Christi on November 10th, 2020. Senior Sebastian...
Senior Art Student Success
Congratulations to Michelle Alex!! Based on her entry in the Art Day 2020 Portfolio Scholarship Competition for the Department of Art at Texas A&M-Commerce, she was awarded an Honorable Mention Award Scholarship. Check out her award winning artwork below, and be...
Choir Success!!
This past week the state of Texas held the 1st round of the TMEA All-State choir auditions. We had 103 singers from RRHS submit recordings to TMEA for this round, where they were competing against singers from our region, Region 26. The Top 18 in each section make the...
Orchestra Success!!
Congratulations to the following RRHS Orchestra Students who competed in the Texas Music Educators Association Region 26 Orchestra competition on October 10 and 11. Those that were selected are: Symphony Orchestra Violin: Chair 13: Mackenzie Hantelman Chair 14: Grace...
RRHS Teens Develop App to Help People Quit Smoking
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Congratulations, National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists!!
A total of 10 Round Rock High students have been named National Merit Scholarship semifinalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Each year, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation selects the highest achieving students for its program. Approximately...
Choir Success!!
During quarantine, the Round Rock Dragon choir department had two choirs entered into The Foundation for Music Education's National Mark of Excellence Choral Honors program. This is a national music competition that recognizes music programs and their ensemble for...
Orchestra Success!!
Congratulations to the Executive Orchestra Council who presented at the Texas Orchestra Directors Association High School Student Day this past Saturday, September 12, 2020. These students presented with four additional school orchestra councils to students and...
Summer of Learning
Sruthi Gunturu, RRHS senior, has been quite productive this summer, and her efforts have not gone unnoticed. Please be sure to congratulate this Dragon on the following achievements. SEES Internship Sruthi completed the prestigious Student Enhancement in Earth and...
Dragons Serving their Community
Round Rock Mayor, Craig Morgan, recognized Errett Corbiere, Chase Drake, and Cesar Hernandez for their service to the community! These Dragon alumni leveraged their 3D Engineering Design skills to print over 4,500 ear guards and 600+ face shields for doctors, nurses,...