Dragon Band Success!
Hello All, On Friday and Saturday, December 9th and 10th, 185 of our Dragon Band students competed in the TMEA Region 26 band auditions held at Cedar Ridge High School. The contest is held in two phases: Phase 1 on Friday for instruments with very large numbers of...
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected to the play Texas Music Educators Association All-State Orchestra. Making All-State is the highest honor that a Texas musician can receive and is a major accomplishment. These students have spent months...
Last night 26 members of the Dragon Choir Department participated at the TMEA Region 26 Pre-Area Auditions. This auditions was for a chance to go and audition for on e of the Texas All-State choirs in January. Of the 40 available slots we took an unprecedented 13...
Dragon Band TMEA Region Orchestra Wind and Percussion Results
On Monday evening, November 14th, 38 of our Dragon Band students competed with other band students from across our TMEA (Texas Music Educators Association) region at the TMEA Region 26 Orchestra Winds and Percussion auditions, held at Pflugerville HS. These are band...
The Round Rock Thespians will return tomorrow from a terrifically successful trip to the Thespian State Festival in San Antonio. Ten of our performance events qualified for the National Thespian Festival, and all 37 of our great Thespians performed beautifully,...
National Merit Scholars Breakfast
Congrats to all the National Merit Semi-finalists, Commended students, African American Scholars, Hispanic, and Indigenous Scholars.
Congratulations to these Student Athletes
This morning the athletic department for Round Rock High School hosted the first National Letter of Intent signing day for the 2022-2023 school year. We had 15 student athletes sign their letter of intent to continue playing their sport at the collegiate level.
The Round Rock Dragon Band competed in prelims on Friday, November 4th in the Bands of America San Antonio Super Regional held in the Alamodome. Their score advanced them to the finals level of competition held on Saturday, November 5th. Of the 82! bands in the...
RRHS MCJROTC Color Guard Presentation
This past weekend the RRHS MCJROTC Color Guard presented the Colors for the Williamson County Marine Corps League’s 247th Marine Corps Birthday celebration at the Field of Honor in Georgetown, TX.
In addition to our 38 Region choir members (with 30 advancing to round 3), The Round Rock Dragon Chorale received an extra honor last night. Dragon Chorale performance of Bound for Canaan Lan by Stacey Gibbs from our Choral Collage in September was submitted into the...
Last weekend, 38 of the RRHS Orchestra students auditioned for the Texas Music Educators Association Region 26 Orchestra competition. This is a difficult audition process and our students succeeded. Please congratulate these students on their achievements, as they...
Congratulations all around to the RRHS Dragon Choir! Last night at Stony Point HS we had 43 singers audition for the TMEA All-Region Choir and had 38 singers make a region choir with 30 advancing to Round 3 in November. All Region Mixed Choir (Advancing to Round 3) ...