
We are excited to share that our Athletic Training Staff has been chosen by Dave Campbell's Texas Football for the prestigious Dave Campbell's Texas Football Training Staff Superstars Award. The mission is to always amplify the teams behind the teams that make Friday...

Meet the Dragons!!
Are you ready for some football? There is an opportunity to scratch that football itch this Saturday, August 12, at Meet the Dragons. See the attached flyer.

Boys Track State Qualifiers
This past Friday & Saturday the Boys Dragon Track & Field Team competed in the Region IV track meet. In the team standings we placed second. Qualifying for state: Xavier Drumgoole Triple Jump (Regional Champion) 4x200 Relay 2nd place: Will Brown, Aiden...

Dragon Track on to State!
The Lady Dragons finished 6th overall out of 34 teams at the regional meet this weekend! Shout out to the Boys team for finishing 2nd overall and their state qualifiers in the 4X200 relay, Triple Jump Regional Champion Xavier Drumgoole and 4X400 relay regional...

Round Rock Gymnastics STATE Success
The Men and Women Gymnastics team competed in College Station this past week at the State Championships! The Girls finished in 6th place (won a trophy!) and Gabriela Nagy finished 10th overall! For the Boys, Gavin Moyer Placed 11th on Rings! Please congratulate these...
Over the past two days, The Men and Women's Gymnastics competed at the Region Championships in Bryan, Texas. The Girls Team are Regional Runner Ups! They have qualified to the State Championship in College Station, Texas on April 28th and 29th. On the boys side, we...

Girls Rock Soccer – Regional Tournament/ #3 In State
We appreciate all of the kind words and encouragement! Working our way up! Regional Tournament - San Antonio - Blossom Athletic Complex This Friday - Round 4/ Top 16 Remain #3 Round Rock vs #5 SA Taft 3pm We win - This Saturday...