
headshot of Yolanda Paredes
Yolanda Paredes
Lead Counselor
headshot of Lisa Snodgrass
Lisa Snodgrass
Administrative Assistant - Counseling
Headshot of Tina Moreland
Tina Moreland
College & Career Assessment Specialist
headshot of Kay Henderson
Kay Henderson
Counselor A - Bl
Office 140
Jaylee Lange
Counselor Bm-Col
Office 140
headshot of Bobbi Sanchez
Bobbi Sanchez
Counselor Com-Fie
Office 200
headshot of Lea Ann Ross
Lea Ann Ross
Counselor Fif-Han
Office 135
headshot of Alejandra Velasco
Ali Velasco
Counselor Hao-J
Office 135
Minna Riser
Counselor K-Lop
Office 1509
Jacqueline Soto
Counselor Loq-Mok
Office 1509
headshot of Miranda Owens
Miranda Owens
Counselor Mol-Pau
Office 139
headshot of Katherine Hemei
Katherine Hemei
Counselor Pav-Roc
Office 1419
headshot of Yesenia Tijerina
Yesenia Tijerina
Counselor Rod-Sl
Office 1419
headshot of Tamora Thomas
Tamora Thomas
Counselor Sm-U
Office 1319
headshot of Chris Shanahan
Chris Shanahan
Counselor V-Z
Office 1319



Thursday, October 29, 2020, Junior students only.  Junior students who are virtual or in-person are invited to take the PSAT.  This will be an Asynchronous Day for all 9th-12th students who do not come to campus to take PSAT.Junior students have been sent this...

ACT Exam

ACT Exam

​The October 2020 dates for ACT administration is cancelled.  The next opportunity to take the ACT is December 12th, and the registration deadline is November 6th.   To register, visit ...

SAT Exam

SAT Exam

Interested in taking SAT this semester? RRHS is planning to administer exams on Nov 7th and December 5th. If you have not registered for one of these SAT dates, please act quickly as these opportunities will fill up fast since the June through October 2020 SAT exams...

Transcripts Requests

Transcripts Requests

There will be a $3 charge for each transcript. We accept cash or check only.Texas Colleges & Universities Transcripts will be sent electronically if the school is in the state of Texas.Out-of-State Colleges & Universities If the school is outside of Texas you...

SAT & ACT Update

SAT & ACT Update

With the continual climb in new Covid cases in Austin and Round Rock, TX, RRHS will not be able to administer the SAT on August 29th or September 26, 2020.  This was a district decision that affects all RRISD HS campuses. Furthermore, the ACT administration in...

Rewatch Virtual Graduation & Update on In-person Ceremonies

Rewatch Virtual Graduation & Update on In-person Ceremonies

​Congratulations Class of 2020! You are now officially graduates of Round Rock ISD! We hope that you were able to have a memorable celebration during the Commencement Walks and Virtual Graduation. More than 3,000 seniors participated in both events and helped make...

Class of 2020 Tribute

Class of 2020 Tribute

​Seniors, We look forward to your virtual graduation on Friday.  Here is one last surprise from the faculty of Round Rock High School as we wish you luck!

Summer Learning Update

Summer Learning Update

This is the second week of Summer Learning, but it’s not too late to get started if you’re willing to work hard.  Summer Learning continues through July 10th.  It’s an online program for credit recovery with daily teacher support.  Please contact Janda Castillo if you...

Seniors Diploma Pick-Up (last call)

Seniors Diploma Pick-Up (last call)

Seniors that missed last week’s diploma pick-up have two more chances this week to pick-up diplomas and take care of obligations. Seniors may drop by the registrar’s office Wednesday (6/10) and Thursday (6/11) from 9 am - 12 noon.  Please enter the front of the 1200...