Career & Technology


headshot of Mitchell Abbott
Mitchell Abbott
headshot of sakief ahmed
Sakief Ahmed
Health Science Technology Teacher
headshot of Nancy Arredondo
Nancy Arredondo
Social Studies Teacher & CTE Teacher
Elizabeth Bell
Business Teacher
headshot of bobbi brekke
Bobbi Brekke
Math and Computer Science Teacher
headshot of ryan brown
Ryan Brown
Digital Interactive Media Teacher & Boys Soccer Head Coach
headshot of ashley castro
Ashley Castro
Law Enforcement & Forensic Science Teacher, Assistant Girls Basketball & Assistant Softball Coach
Headshot of Eric Chaverria
Eric Chaverria
Dustin Coffing
Culinary Arts Teacher
headshot of stanley gabel
Stanley Gabel
Science Teacher, Varsity Football & Head Boys Track Coach
headshot of jose gonzalez
Joe Gonzalez
Automotive Technology Teacher
jason goodwin headshot
Jason Goodwin
Julie Harrison
CTE Business Teacher
LaShandra Hill
CTE Law Teacher
Shannon Hodges
Marketing Teacher
headshot of major jackie schiller
Maj Jackie L. Schiller II
Senior Marine Instructor
headshot of Brent Irwin
Brent Irwin
Computer Science Teacher
Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Olmeda, Jr picture
MGySgt Thomas Olmeda Jr
headshot of donald kentner
Donald Kentner
Graphic Design & Game Design Teacher
headshot of troy moon
Troy Moon
Marketing and Business Teacher & Head Cross Country Coach
Dinh Nguyen
CTE Business Teacher
headshot of eric oliver
Eric Oliver
Business and Marketing Teacher & DECA Sponsor
Krystal Overton
Health Science Technology Teacher
Grant Risner
Business Teacher and Assistant Football Coach
headshot of ashima saksena
Ashima Saksena
Rebecca Sanderson
Family and Consumer Science Teacher
headshot of robin smith
Robin Smith
Health Science Teacher
headshot of olivia stradtner
Olivia Stradtner
CTE- Law & Criminal Justice
headshot of cassandra syler
Cassandra Syler
Photography & Digital Interactive Media Teacher
Kevin Tan
CTE Teacher
“New Teacher”
Biomedical Science Teacher
headshot of sara thenuwara
Sara Thenuwara
headshot of joanne trka
Joanne Trcka
Culinary, Hospitality, & Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher
headshot of vudayagiri venu
VenuMadhavi Vudayagiri
Mathematics Teacher & Computer Science Teacher
headshot of jeffrey wilk
Jeffrey Wilk
Automotive Technology Teacher
headshot of matthew wilson
Matt Wilson
Graphic Design & Printshop Teacher

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