
Celebrating the RRHS Top Ten of the Class of 2022

Celebrating the RRHS Top Ten of the Class of 2022

Congratulations to our Top Ten!! We had a wonderful breakfast tis week with the TOP TEN Class of 2022 RRHS students and their parents.  What a great group!   Soham Govande Andrew Friedrich Ayra Badarpura Suravi Karpe Sanjana Vishwanath Jadon Swearingen Catherine...

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Academy Stoles Available in the School Store

Academy Stoles Available in the School Store

Academy stoles will be available beginning Monday, April 18th in the School Store on campus, the RRHS Co-Op. Stoles are available for $20 for purchase. Qualifying students will receive an email verifying their Academy.  Students must show the Academy Verification...

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Orchestra Success!!

Orchestra Success!!

Congratulations to the Round Rock High School Orchestras! The orchestra students participated in UIL Evaluation the past two days with great success! RRHS Sub Non-Varsity B Orchestra received straight Superior  First Division ratings in Concert and Sightreading! ...

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Tennis Success!!

Tennis Success!!

Over the past 2 days, RRHS Varsity Tennis has been competing at the Region IV Tennis Tournament in San Antonio. This year we advanced all the way to the Regional Finals in BOTH girls doubles & boys singles. To our knowledge, this is the best showing we’ve had as a...

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National Letter of Intent – Signing Day

National Letter of Intent – Signing Day

Congratulations to the following Dragon student athletes for committing to playing their sport at the collegiate level! Name Sport College Jonas M. Eaton swim Austin College Carter Wagner football Midland University Reese Miller basketball Abilene Christian University...

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Senior Walk Information

Senior Walk Information

Each year, our RRHS graduates have the opportunity to visit the RRISD elementary and middle school campuses on scheduled dates for a Senior Walk. Those who participate must arrive at the school in their cap and gown as they walk through the halls to inspire our...

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Senior Information

Senior Information

Herff Jones Campus Delivery Dates Representatives from Herff Jones will be on campus to deliver announcements on Tuesday, April 12th, in the cafeteria during all lunches.  Cap and gown orders will be distributed on Tuesday, April 26th in the cafeteria during all...

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RRHS Quiz Bowl Success!!

RRHS Quiz Bowl Success!!

Congratulations to the following representatives of the RRHS Quiz Bowl team for their performance in our virtual tournament this past Saturday, May 2, 2022. Our division featured 12 teams from coast to coast. The team started the day with a 4-0 streak--the best...

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Gymnastics Success!!

Gymnastics Success!!

The Men and Women's gymnastics team competed at regionals the last two days in Bryan, Texas.  Both the Men and Women are Regional Champions! Both teams have  now qualified for the state championships in Rockwall Texas April 21st - 23rd!  Congratulations on a job well...

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UIL One Act Play Success!!

UIL One Act Play Success!!

Despite last minute set-backs, A LIE OF THE MIND was named Alternate to Region last evening in an extremely close play contest. Due to circumstances beyond control, Senior Leen Boselah stepped into a lead role with only one day to learn lines and rehearse, and the...

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UIL District Academic & Speech/Debate

UIL District Academic & Speech/Debate

Our Round Rock High School UIL Academic & Speech/Debate teams competed this past Friday & Saturday in UIL District here at Round Rock High School. Congratulations to the following students who placed in their individual event. Those with asterisks (*) qualify...

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