Thanksgiving Food Drive & Arts and Crafts Drive
RRHS StuCo & Dragon Nation Present a Thanksgiving Food Drive. Donations will be accepted at the front of the main building until Friday, November 20th, 2020. We will also be accepting donations at the football game on November 20th. In addition, Key Club is...
Purchase RRHS Gear and Swag to Support Girls Basketball
The order link ( is LIVE until 11/23 to stock up on Round Rock HS swag and gear!! Several items are basketball specific but there are also RRHS generic items. All proceeds will go to support girls basketball and the RRGB booster club....
Senior Art Student Success
Congratulations to Michelle Alex!! Based on her entry in the Art Day 2020 Portfolio Scholarship Competition for the Department of Art at Texas A&M-Commerce, she was awarded an Honorable Mention Award Scholarship. Check out her award winning artwork below, and be...
Dragon Nation
Want to be part of Dragon Nation?!The next meeting is Tuesday morning (11/10), at 8:30 AM. Use the google meet code: DRAGONNATIONRR to join. Hope to see you there!
Project Graduation Update: 11/5/2020 – Tamale & Poinsettia Sales
TamalesDon't forget - Friday November 6th is the deadline to order delicious tamales to help support RRHS Project Graduation. Tamales are $15/dozen and can be ordered on our website at under the PG21 store tab. Our 2021 Seniors...
Message From the School Nurses
If your student will be taking a daily or as needed medication at school, or will need to self carry emergency medications such as an inhaler or EpiPen, please have the appropriate forms filled out by your child’s doctor and on file in the nurse’s office prior to...
Updated Schedule for Friday, November 6, 2020
*** Due to some unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change our plan for Friday, November 6th. Friday will be a regular A day. We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause. Thank you for your understanding and I hope everyone has a great...
New Device Distribution – November 9th – 12th
All RRHS students will receive new technology devices in November. Students will exchange their current school device for a new device. Device distribution will take place after hours - November 9th - 12th, 5pm - 8pm.ALL students MUST have a RRHS Mobile Device Use...
Dress-up Days | HOCO 2020
The 2020 dress-up days are: 11/2/2020: Movie Monday 11/3/2020: Tie-Dye Tuesday 11/4/2020: Way out of This World Wednesday 11/5/2020: Throwback Thursday 11/6/2020: Fan Friday. Students will be able to showcase their outfits virtually using the hashtags:...
Village Mentors
What: Marine Corps JROTC at Round Rock High is hosting the annual Manion WOD (Workout of the Day) When: Saturday, November 21; Check-in begins at 0800; Event kicks off at 0900 until completion Where: Round Rock High School campus, Bldg 400 gym and track (next to...
RRHS Dragon Choir Virtual Choral Collage
oin the award winning RRHS Dragon Choir Department for an evening of music and fellowship in our virtual world. The singers of the Dragon choir will be presenting solos and other feature acts in a celebration of the choral department to help kick off the year. In this...