
Alternate Schedule on Friday, November 6, 2020

On Friday, November 6 we will have an alternate schedule.  Teachers will communicate how and when they engage with their students that day.  This alternate schedule will provide us with the flexibility to prepare for November 9th.  Students must interact with all A...

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PSAT – October 29, 2020 for Juniors only

PSAT – October 29, 2020 for Juniors only

Students who have not registered and would like to attend email ​ Asynchronous Learning Plan for students not taking PSAT (all grade levels). ​ October 29 will be an at-home asynchronous day for students not participating in the...

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UPDATE – Time Change: PSAT Prep Session & DragonReaders

UPDATE – Time Change: PSAT Prep Session & DragonReaders

With the start of the new grading cycle, there's been some slight changes to the bell schedule and the start times for DragonLibrary's programs. Details are as follows: ​ PSAT Lunch & Learn Session (A Lunch)  Thursday, October 22, 2020 12:30-12:55 PM Add to...

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Choir Success!!

Choir Success!!

This past week the state of Texas held the 1st round of the TMEA All-State choir auditions. We had 103 singers from RRHS submit recordings to TMEA for this round, where they were competing against singers from our region, Region 26. The Top 18 in each section make the...

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PSAT Lunch & Learn is THURSDAY (10/22/2020)!

PSAT Lunch & Learn is THURSDAY (10/22/2020)!

The last PSAT Lunch & Learn session from DragonLibrary will be Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 12:20 PM. This is a virtual session open to all RRISD students.  Please join us via Google Meet with join code "dragonlibrary".  There will only be one session, starting...

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Additional Appointments Slots for Yearbook Photos

Additional Appointments Slots for Yearbook Photos

Almost 700 students will be photographed tomorrow. Unfortunately, we are limited by space and district guidelines on how many people we could have on campus tomorrow. If you have one of those spots, you can make the process go faster by having your child bring their...

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Orchestra Success!!

Orchestra Success!!

Congratulations to the following RRHS Orchestra Students who competed in the Texas Music Educators Association Region 26 Orchestra competition on October 10 and 11. Those that were selected are: Symphony Orchestra Violin: Chair 13:  Mackenzie Hantelman Chair 14: Grace...

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Underclassmen Yearbook Photos

Underclassmen Yearbook Photos

Underclassmen photos are scheduled to be taken on Saturday, October 17, 2020. This will be the first opportunity for students to have their photos made for purchase and for the yearbook. Although, students who are attending classes on campus will be photographed on...

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PTSA Spiritwear Collection

PTSA Spiritwear Collection

PTSA spiritwear orders have arrived! Orders will be distributed from the  RRHS parking lot on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2020 from 9 AM - 12 PM. Please remember to wear a mask!

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Student ID Cards

Student ID Cards

At this time, ID cards will only be printed for students who are attending classes in-person but do not have a campus ID card. As students return to campus, their IDs will be printed in one of the core academic classes--beginning with Freshmen.  Upperclassmen who...

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