2021-22 AP Exam Registration at RRHS
Drive Through Voter Registration
Home Access Center (HAC)
Home Access Center (HAC) is the best method for families to monitor students' grades. While some grades may be found in Schoology, the official gradebook will be what is found in Home Access Center.
Letter Jacket Update
Letter jacket ordering is available! Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Balfour will NOT be on campus this year for letter jacket ordering; instead, Balfour has developed an online ordering system. Visit the following website to be walked you through the process, including...
Drive-Through Student Voter Registration at RRHS
French Club
Did you know that over 50 countries around the world are part of the International Organization of Francophonie? Our club is open to all students who are interested in learning more about French-speaking countries around the world. We play games, listen to music,...
Thursday, October 29, 2020, Junior students only. Junior students who are virtual or in-person are invited to take the PSAT. This will be an Asynchronous Day for all 9th-12th students who do not come to campus to take PSAT.Junior students have been sent this...
RRHS Teens Develop App to Help People Quit Smoking
Please click HERE if this page does not automatically redirect.
ACT Exam
The October 2020 dates for ACT administration is cancelled. The next opportunity to take the ACT is December 12th, and the registration deadline is November 6th. To register, visit https://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/registration.html ...
SAT Exam
Interested in taking SAT this semester? RRHS is planning to administer exams on Nov 7th and December 5th. If you have not registered for one of these SAT dates, please act quickly as these opportunities will fill up fast since the June through October 2020 SAT exams...
Dragon News 2020-21: Episode 4
Voter Registration
SENIORS AND JUNIORS DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER TO VOTE Students who are 17 years and 10 months of age or older may register to vote online by going to https://www.votetexas.gov/register/index.html. Simply fill out the application, print it out and mail or take it...