Student Voting: HOCO Dress-up Days
DragonReaders Book Club is This Friday!
Come join DragonLibrary this Friday during your lunch for our September DragonReaders Book Club! We will use Google Meet to gather virtually and talk about any book you read during quarantine. You'll not only get recommendations from your classmates and librarians...
Congratulations, National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists!!
A total of 10 Round Rock High students have been named National Merit Scholarship semifinalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Each year, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation selects the highest achieving students for its program. Approximately...
Dragon Forces Hours
Students, please remember to submit all summer hours by Friday, Sept 25. No hours will be honored after this deadline—no exceptions. For this school year, forms will only be accepted electronically. Please print clearly on the form, then scan and email...
Girls Who Code
2020 Homecoming Information
Homecoming Parade Application
Homecoming T-shirt Design Contest
Homecoming T-shirts are happening!StuCo need your help to create the 2020 homecoming t-shirt, so they're are leaving it up to you to create the design! You have until the end of this weekend to submit your designs. Then they will narrow down the designs and send out...
StuCo Virtual Panel Discussion: Academies/Endorsements – 9/17/2020
Student Council will be hosting virtual student panels this year to help give students an opportunity to ask questions and stay informed during this unusual school year. The second panel, which will focus on information regarding academies/endorsements at Round Rock,...
Choir Success!!
During quarantine, the Round Rock Dragon choir department had two choirs entered into The Foundation for Music Education's National Mark of Excellence Choral Honors program. This is a national music competition that recognizes music programs and their ensemble for...
Project Graduation Update: 09/18/2020
Class of 2021 Merchandise You still have time to order!! Details below. T-shirts, yard signs, decals, and masks! Deadline: 9/27/2020 Online Store: RRHS Project Graduation 2021, under the PG21 store tab Tamale & Poinsettia Sales Available for purchase into...
Orchestra Success!!
Congratulations to the Executive Orchestra Council who presented at the Texas Orchestra Directors Association High School Student Day this past Saturday, September 12, 2020. These students presented with four additional school orchestra councils to students and...