
Art Student Success!!

Art Student Success!!

Congratulations to the following senior art students who won scholarships through the annual 5x5 Art Competition sponsored by the Round Rock Art Education Association. Each student won a $500 scholarship for their excellence in art, will continue their education, and...

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A Message from the Teachers

A Message from the Teachers

Student Council reached out to the teachers and staff asking for words of positivity to help us stay connected while we continue to practice social distancing leading into summertime. Watch the video to see what they have to say!

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Yearbook Purchase Interest Survey

Yearbook Purchase Interest Survey

Because of the overwhelming interest in the 2020 yearbook, we have investigated a second printing of the book. Before we can proceed with the order, we must ensure that enough people are interested. Books will be $135 and will have to be paid in advance with cash or...

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Girls Go Cyberstart Competition success!!

Girls Go Cyberstart Competition success!!

Our computer science  female students have been competing virtually in Girls Go Cyberstart since February.  This competition includes topics like Cybersecurity Forensics, Programming, Cryptography , Linux,  and Website Vulnerabilities.  This year we had the biggest...

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Project Graduation Update: 05/19/2020

Project Graduation Update: 05/19/2020

Hello Senior,From all of us at Proud Dragon Parents (aka Project Graduation), we'd like to extend our congratulations to you for your accomplishments and achievements.  We are all so proud of you! We wanted to let you know that while we're unable to celebrate you as...

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Advanced Placement Studio Art Portfolios

Advanced Placement Studio Art Portfolios

With the COVID-19 shelter-in-place commencing through the final months of the school year, these 12 talented and hard-working young women artists have all had to regroup and think differently in order to exhibit their Advanced Placement Studio Art Portfolios. ...

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2020 Yearbook Distribution

2020 Yearbook Distribution

Students and parents are invited to pick up the 2020 yearbooks on Wednesday, May 27, 2020. To make things as smooth as possible and to eliminate traffic congestion, please help us by doing a few things: Before Distribution:Step 1: Check the following list of purchased...

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Art Student Success!!

Art Student Success!!

​Congratulations to Nhi Pham for being selected to attend the University of Texas Summer ST.ART Intensive program! Nhi was also awarded a $500 merit based scholarship for her portfolio submission!!

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Fine Arts Collection of Uniforms, Costumes, and Instruments

Fine Arts Collection of Uniforms, Costumes, and Instruments

As we begin to close out the school year, we need to collect uniforms, costumes, and instruments from all 2020 Seniors and any student that will not be returning to Round Rock High School in the Fall of 2020.  In addition we will need to collect any outstanding...

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Graduation Slide

Graduation Slide

​Attention Seniors-You should have received an email to Create your Graduation Slide.  Our virtual graduation allows you to put your personal touch on your celebration by customizing your slide with a photo and a personal message.  (You must use the email sent to you...

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