Senior Parking
Just a reminder, if you have a reserved parking spot you are only authorized to park in that spot during the school day. If your car is moved to a general parking spot, YOU MAY RECEIVE A TICKET.
Herff Jones Update: 12/52019
Project Graduation is a nationally recognized alcohol and drug free party sponsored by Proud Dragon Parents, a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. We do not receive any funding from the school or district’s budget. This event is dependent upon a strong...
Project Grad 2020 Update: 12/5/2019
Project Graduation is a nationally recognized alcohol and drug free party sponsored by Proud Dragon Parents, a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. We do not receive any funding from the school or district’s budget. This event is dependent upon a strong...
PTSA Update: 12/5/2019
PTSA's mission is to make every child's future a reality, and at RRHS, we are the booster club for ALL students. Please join today! Please join today on our website! Questions about membership? Contact Kristi Isaacs at
Baseball Tryout Meeting for Players only
Anyone interested in trying out for the RRHS Baseball team needs to come to a meeting on December 4 after school at 4:30 in the Dragon's Lair in the 400 Gym. Players only should attend. We will walk players through the signup process and answer any questions about...
Alma Mexican’s Winter Showcase
Spirit of Giving
Thespian Success
November 21-23rd, 36 RRHS theatre students attended the Texas International Thespian State Conference. Students auditioned in 6 Individual event categories. Four events (27 students) qualified for the National level, receiving superior ratings from all three judges....
TAFE Headed to State
This past Saturday, November 16th, our TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) not only coordinated and hosted our regional conference, but they also competed in it. And they did a great job of representing our school and are headed to the State Teach Tomorrow...
Student Success!!
Be sure to congratulate Ganga Prasanth (junior) as she is an award winning author on our campus! Prasanth--a member of RRHS' Creative Writing Club--recently won the High School division of Scary Stories Contest for her short story, "Hunger Pains." Scary...
Men’s Basketball Success
Debate Success
Be sure to congratulate the following Dragons on their performance at the South Austin Swing: Sophia Richert: 3rd in Congress (4 state points)Soham Govande and Andre Pham: Quarterfinalists in CX (2 state points)Grace Suh: 2nd in Novice ExtempJacob Mitchell: 7th in...