
Outside Eating Establishments

Outside Eating Establishments

We ask that you not bring outside food or beverages to your child from any outside eating establishment. Students are not allowed/permitted to place lunch delivery orders to RRHS.Seniors may go off campus and return with outside establishment food.The other reason for...

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Homecoming Updates

Homecoming Updates

RRHS's Homecoming will take place on November 6, 2020 against Stony Point. For questions, please email the RRHS StuCo Officers at OR the Student Council Sponsor, Loren Renfroe, at During Homecoming...

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2020 Project Grad

2020 Project Grad

Project Graduation 2020 - Project Graduation is a nationally recognized alcohol and drug free party sponsored by Proud Dragon Parents, a non-profit, 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.  We do not receive any funding from the school or district’s budget. This event is...

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Movie Madness in the Library: Back to School!

Movie Madness in the Library: Back to School!

Now that the ​beginning of ​the ​school year​'s ​heady rush​ ​​is behind us, DragonLibrary is taking ​the time to reminisce ​over all the things we love about a new year.​ ​So, join us Friday, September 6th in the library during ​​lunches to enjoy some...

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Dragon Debate Brought the Fire to Pflugerville!

Dragon Debate Brought the Fire to Pflugerville!

At the first tournament of the year... Sreya Gandra place 2nd out of 53 competitors in Lincoln-Douglas debate! First years Ryan Kelly, Mallika Jade, Rucha Ratanpara, and Aditi Kumar made it to semifinals in Novice Extemporaneous speaking! In the final round, Karina...

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2019-20 Teacher Book Club

2019-20 Teacher Book Club

For the 2019-20 School Year, DragonLibrary's Teacher Book Club titles have been chosen from the most recent reading lists produced by the Texas Library Association’s Young Adult Round Table (YART). Each of YART’s reading list committees is comprised of a group of...

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2019 Open House

2019 Open House

Open house is on Tuesday, September 3, 2019, 6:00 - 8:00 PM.  This is a come & go event, where parents and guardians are welcome to visit some or all of their children’s teachers. Parents will either be escorted by their students or can conduct a self-guided tour...

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Bus Information

Bus Information

Bus route information can be found at Type in your address and you will be given your bus number, the location of your bus stop and the times for pick-up. 

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New Procedure for College Visits

New Procedure for College Visits

Please complete the following steps to sign up for a college visit: Go the counseling website: Click on College Rep Visits. Go to the Calendar. Find the college/university...

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AP Exams at RRHS

AP Exams at RRHS

The 2022-23 school year brings additional resources to support students in a virtual environment from the College Board, the folks behind the Advanced Placement Program. There are now an abundance of online resources and materials available to our students directly...

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