
Fern Bluff ES Senior Walk

Fern Bluff ES Senior Walk

Attention Parents of 2019 Seniors!!! WHO: If your Senior attended Fern Bluff Elementary - they are invited to the Bobcat Graduate Stroll.WHEN: On Friday May 10th. All Seniors are to meet at Fern Bluff between 7:45 am - 8:00 am and take a stroll down memory lane, where...

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Senior Walks: Class of 2019

Senior Walks: Class of 2019

We encourage all seniors to participate in not only celebrating their success, but also in sharing a moment to inspire our elementary and middle school students! If you have any questions about the graduation walk, please...

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EOC Testing: English I & English II

EOC Testing: English I & English II

The English I and English II End of Course (EOC) Exams will take place on Tuesday, April 9 , 2019 and Thursday, April 11, 2019 with makeup testing on Friday, April 12, 2019. Each exam is 5 hours in length and will be administered as an online exam, unless students...

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Mattress Sale

Mattress Sale

If you're in the market for a mattress or know someone who is, the band boosters will be selling them in the RRHS 100 Building Student Center this Saturday, April 6th from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM.  There are all kinds of brands and something in every price...

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Student Art Exhibition at Lamppost Coffee

Student Art Exhibition at Lamppost Coffee

Monday, April 1, 2019 marked the opening of the first Student Art Exhibition at Lamppost Coffee (across the street from RRHS). If you get a chance, please go by and check out our students' work! Artwork will be on display now through Friday, April 12th. Participating...

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German Success!

German Success!

German students Eric Risinger, Sruthi Gunturu, and Errett Corbiere competed at the Sprachfest regional German competition held February 2.  All three students qualified for State, held at the end of February. Almost 1000 students participated from 58 Texas schools and...

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