Orchestra Success!
Congratulations to the following Dragons who auditioned this weekend and were selected for the TMEA Region 26 Orchestra: Robyn Selking: Harp 2nd Chair Cameron Calvo: String Bass 3rd Chair Tyler Day: String Bass 7th Chair Tanya Pawawongsak: Viola 6th Chair Sophie Taus:...
Future Readiness Parent Seminars
Dragon Pride Dance Company
The purpose of the Dragon Pride Dance Company (DPDC) is to provide students with an opportunity for a positive high school experience through dance. Through teamwork, DPDC works to develop each member's dance technique skills, level of self confidence, level of self...
Order Your 2018 Graduation Ceremony Video Now!
Angel Productions will be providing the 2019 RRHS Graduation Ceremony video broadcast and DVD. For those interested in placing an order, please complete and return the linked order form to Angel Productions. Order forms can also be picked up...
Upcoming FAFSA Sessions
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Outside Eating Establishments
Please do not bring outside food or beverages to your child from any outside eating establishment. Food or drink packaged at commercial food establishments shall not be brought to campus/cafeteria to be consumed by students during their regular mealtime. Students are...
Project Graduation Fundraising and Volunteer Opportunities
Parents please visit the Project Graduation website https://rrhsprojectgrad.weebly.com/donate.html to order SEN19R Student and Parent T-shirts, Yard Signs, Tamales and Poinsettias! You can also check out volunteer opportunities for you or your students on the site...
Safety & Security
Parents, please remember to check in at the 1200 main office off of Deep Wood Drive for all visits to campus. This is also the only place that students should be picked up during the school day, from 8:55 am - 4:20 pm.
#FunFriday: Singing in the Library
Under the direction of Assistant Choir Director Raegan Grantham, RRHS Choir students serenaded patrons of DragonLibrary in preparation for their upcoming show. Use the audio players below to hear samples from these performances. Legacy Choir ...
Districtwide College Fair
Attend central Texas’ largest college fair on Monday, Sept. 24 at Round Rock High School, 201 Deep Wood Dr., in Round Rock from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Over 200 college and university representatives from across the country, with some international...