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Braggin’ Dragons

Debate Success!!!

Debate Success!!!

Competing at the University of Houston this past weekend, an RRHS debater was quite successful. Sreya Gandra placed in the top third out of over 100 debaters from across 5 states in Lincoln Douglas Debate. She was also awarded 6th Speaker in LD Debate. Please...

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Debate Success

Debate Success

Competing this past weekend at Churchill members of the RRHS Debate Team were quite successful.  All advanced in their respective events:   Sai Gurijala & Sophie Taus, 3rd place in Varsity Cross-Examination Debate (now qualified to participate in the State meet...

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Band Success!

Band Success!

Congratulations to the following members of the Dragon Band for their efforts at the TMEA (Texas Music Educator's Association) Region 26 Band Auditions.  The auditions were held on Friday and Saturday, December 8th and 9th at Cedar Ridge High School.  131 students...

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Tanya Pawawongsak - 3rd place in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate Arvind Balaji & Akhsheiy Tangutur  - Quarter-finalists in Varsity Cross-Examination Debate Yasasvi Josyula & Miles Vu  - Quarter-finalists in Novice Public Forum Debate (This was their first...

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Engineering Club Success!!

Engineering Club Success!!

On Saturday, Dec 2nd, Ten of our budding Engineers participated in the Annual Texas A&M Spark Engineering Design competition.  Students from High Schools all over central Texas compete at this event. Once again, RRHS Engineering students proved to be...

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HOSA Success!!

HOSA Success!!

After the first round of competition our HOSA students have been very successful. We have 7 qualify for state and several more advancing to the area round. HOSA State Qualifiers Aishwarya Ramesh Rhea Kulkarni (1st alt) Behavioral Health Ammar Abed...

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Debate Success!!

Debate Success!!

This past weekend, members of the RRHS Debate Team competed at the Univ. of Texas tournament where there were 117 schools representing 7 different states.  Competing against 211 competitors in Varsity Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Sreya Gandra advanced to the first out...

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Dragon Choir Success!!!

Dragon Choir Success!!!

So last night we had 23 Dragon choir singers compete at the TMEA Region 26 Pre-Area audition at Cedar Ridge HS. The top 5 students in each section get to advance to the Area audition in January which a chance to be in the Texas All-State choir, one of the...

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TAFE Success!

TAFE Success!

This past Saturday TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators) competed at regionals. They brought their best forward and were successful! The following students will be competing at the TAFE State Competition in February: Blue Ribbons in Bulletin Board: ...

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Band Success!!

Band Success!!

This past Wednesday-Saturday, November 8th-11th, the Dragon Band competed in the Bands of America Grand Nationals competition in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Simply put, the group was stellar.  100 bands compete in this event and each year it gets bigger and better!  The...

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Debate Success!!

Debate Success!!

Members of the RRHS debate team competed at the Cedar Ridge tournament this weekend.  Seya Gadoo placed 1st in Novice Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Please congratulate this Dragon on her hard work!

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Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat (UPDATE)

Trick-or-Treat So Kids Can Eat (UPDATE)

On Halloween night over 100 Round Rock High students took to the streets to trick or treat for non-perishable food items.  This is the thirteenth consecutive year we have organized and executed this food drive. The students collected 2765 lbs. of food that we...

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