Band TSSEC Success
May 28, 2018, forty Dragon Band students participated in the UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest (TSSEC) held at The University of Texas and Connally High School. Of these, twenty-two events received Gold Medal 1st Division ratings, 9 earned Silver Medal 2nd Division...
Orchestra Success!!
May 28, 2018, the following orchestra students competed at Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest at the University of Texas. First Division Ensemble Winners: Xinyi Han Ryan Hopke Hannah Larkin Tanya Pawawongsak Hariharan Jayakumar Seokchan Oh Rachel Lee...
Round 4 Baseball Playoffs
The RRHS Dragons baseball will take on College Park HS in the best of 3 series starting Thursday May 24 at 6:00 PM at Sam Houston State. Game 2 will be Saturday after graduation at the Dell Diamond starting at 5:30 PM. If needed game will be 30 minutes following game...
Dragon Duel
In yesterday's Dragon Duel, Teachers vs Students Quiz Bowl match, faculty members Travis McKinney, Justin May, Clay Bennett, Patrick Horton, and Gloria Ogboaloh took on the students! Our illustrious staff took an early lead, but the students came from...
Art Awards
Congratulations to the following students for placing in The 18th Annual RRISD Secondary Art Show, “Between the Bells." All RRISD entries will be on display at the PAC-McNeil, through Tuesday, May 15th. Hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, for public...
All Star Soccer Showcase
Seniors Katie Leal and Hanna Banks have been selected by the Texas Association of Soccer Coaches (TASCO) to represent Region 2 in the All-Star Soccer Senior Showcase. Only seniors who made the All-Region or All-State team can be nominated for 1 combined team that...
Edith Fox King Award Recipient
The Interscholastic League Press Conference (ILPC) is the yearbook and newspaper division of UIL. Each year, ILPC recognizes advisers who have made significant contributions to Texas scholastic journalism by awarding them its "Edith Fox King Award." Recipients may be...
Art Success!
Congratulations to the following Dragon art students that competed at the State Level of the Visual Art Scholastic Event in San Marcos over the weekend. Emily Beeler Samantha Salazar Sasha Barker Kali Hammen They each earned a State Medallion for their hard work and...
State Results for Gymnastics
This past Friday and Saturday, The men and women gymnastics team competed at the state competition at Rockwall Heath High School.This competition featured the best gymnasts from across the state of Texas. The Girls Team finished in 7th place! Individually,...
DECA Success!!
RRHS DECA took 41 competitors to Atlanta, Georgia this past week to participate in the DECA International Career Development Conference. Please congratulate these Dragons
Quiz Bowl Success!!
Saturday, April 21, 2018, a contingency from the RRHS Quiz Bowl team went to Seven Lakes High School in Katy, Texas to compete in the TQBA State Varsity Championships. Our team is in only its second year of existence and participated in Division II. This was actually...
Boy’s and Girl’s State Delegates
Congratulations to the following juniors who have been selected to attend the summer American Legion's Boy's State and the American Legion Auxiliary Girl's State. These are the nation's premier programs developing tomorrow's leaders in our government. Both...