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Braggin’ Dragons

Lone Star Chef Competition

Lone Star Chef Competition

The RRHS culinary team of David Bridwell, Nelson Harward, Shawn Kondrath and Preston Meek placed 2nd in the Lone Star Chef Regional Competition sponsored by Aramark for their Texas Street Tacos. Please congratulate these Dragons when you see them. They did great!

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Orchestra, Harp, and Piano Success!

Orchestra, Harp, and Piano Success!

Saturday, February 3, 2018, Round Rock High School hosted the UIL String, Harp, and Piano Solo and Ensemble Contest. The following students who received a Superior, First Division Rating: Errett Corbiere Vedika Shirtedar Liam Malloy Nadia Nguyen Reymond...

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Game Design Success!

Please extend your congratulations to the following students of the District 10 SkillsUSA Competition this past weekend. RRHS fielded 3 teams, and all teams placed (beating out 4 Westwood teams). They now advance to the state competition. 1st Place: Zachary Handshoe...

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Dragon Auto-Tech Success!

Congratulations to the following students who represented RRHS Auto-Tech at the District 10 Competition this past weekend. All 7 Advanced to State Competition.   Marine: Jack Walker 2nd Brandon Scott 3rd Diesel: Ryan Kiec 2nd Max Killian 3rd Power equipment:  Sam...

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Varsity Tennis Pflugerville Tournament Success

Varsity Tennis Pflugerville Tournament Success

Another strong performance by the Varsity Tennis Team.   The following players medaled in the Pflugerville Varsity Tournament. A Boys Doubles: Read Xia/Matthew Zipperer 2nd place B Boys Doubles: Reese Graves/David Tang 2nd place A Girls Doubles: Ramitha...

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FCCLA Regional Success

FCCLA Regional Success

13 students traveled to Corpus Christie this weekend to compete at the Region V FCCLA Competition. Round Rock High School students advanced to State competiton in Dallas! FCSA tests: Habi Park, Gold Daniel Harvey- Slager, Kristen Murray, & Lea...

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Tennis Success

Tennis Success

This past week Dragon Tennis started their Spring Season. The freshmen and JV participated in the Pflugerville Tournament, while the varsity traveled to San Marcos. Here are the results... Freshmen Spencer Jones 2nd place B Boys Singles Sani Leaunae/Chloe...

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ONZ Apparel: Supporting Haiti with Every Shirt Sold

ONZ Apparel: Supporting Haiti with Every Shirt Sold

ONZ, which means eleven in Haitian Creole, is a company started by eleven students at Round Rock High School who are focused on making a difference in the ongoing struggle in Haiti. After the catastrophic earthquake of 2010 and the disaster caused by Hurricane Matthew...

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Choir Success!

Choir Success!

This past weekend the RRHS Dragon Choir had 9 singers compete at the TMEA Area D Vocal Contest. This is the last audition in a process that began in August with thousands of singers across the district. This year we are excited to say that Katie Hollister finished in...

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Mock Trial Team Success!!

Mock Trial Team Success!!

The mock trial team represented Round Rock at the Region 13 tournament Saturday. They did well, had fun, and are already discussing next year!

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Dragon Band Success

Dragon Band Success

Last Saturday, January 13th, 11 of our Dragon Band members participated in the TMEA Area competition held in Duncanville, Texas.  Below are the outstanding results. EIGHT students earned positions in the TMEA All State Band!  This is the highest honor a high school...

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