
Fall 2018 Dragon Duel Results!

Fall 2018 Dragon Duel Results!

Yesterday, a team of intrepid faculty members faced off against the students of the RRHS Quiz Bowl team in a match that lasted for almost all of 7th period in the library. The score yo-yo'd back and forth quite a bit, but in the end the teachers defeated...

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Debate Success!

Debate Success!

At our toughest tournament of the year, Soham Govande and Andre Pham WON the Novice division of CX/Policy debate! They beat students from across the country and have been working hard all semester. Please congratulate them if you have the chance!

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Sense & Sensibility

Sense & Sensibility

Senior Production Students are presenting Jane Austen's SENSE AND SENSIBILITY  Dec 12, 13, 14, 15 at 7:00 pm in the Black Box Theatre. Donations are welcome but you may come free of charge.  We would love big audiences for our show.  It's live theatre and great...

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Graduation Orders

Placing your graduation orders early is very important as this helps ensure that your senior receives his/her products in a timely manner. Herff Jones and Keep It Digital will be in the 1100 cafeteria on the following dates/times for graduation orders: Monday, January...

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Senior Class Presentation

Senior Class Presentation

Herff Jones and Keep it Digital will speak to seniors in the 1100 gym on Wednesday, January 16th  at 11:30 a.m. It is extremely important for your senior to attend this meeting. During this presentation, seniors will receive information about how to order their...

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Dual Credit US History

Dual Credit US History

Did you take Dual Credit US History in the Summer or Fall of 2018? If so, you will take the STAAR/EOC exam on Tuesday, December 4, 2018. Please contact your alpha counselor or Tina Moreland at, to confirm your name/your student’s...

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Outside Eating Establishments

Outside Eating Establishments

We ask that you not bring outside food or beverages to your child from any outside eating establishment. Food or drink packaged at commercial food establishments shall not be brought to campus/cafeteria to be consumed by students during their regular mealtime.  ...

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DECA Winter Food Drive

DECA Winter Food Drive

This winter season, DECA, in partnership with various organizations throughout the school, is hosting a Healthy Non-Perishables Food Drive from now until late January. The goal is to create awareness and bring aid to impoverished people, showing that...

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